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Showing posts from February, 2018
This is a Wolfgang Weingart poster he designed in 1983. I found this image in Graphic Design Referenced. I am not exactly sure what the poster is for, but I do know it's a Swiss poster. It caught my eye with its energetic lines and use of great textures.
When spending the week about thinking of listening to type, David Carson immediately came to mind. His work in deconstructionism to me screams listening to type. This blog post was found in a book about the work of Carson called "The End Of Print: The Grafik Design of David Carson". It is a design for Fox Sports net. I can just hear the crowd screaming a countdown, can't you? Even though his designs are not for everyone, I like to take a break from the norm time to time and check out his work. The deconstruct of the numbers is what really brought me into this image.